On November 12-13, under a cloudless sky, many people enjoyed a wide variety of Japanese traditional performing arts in Kagurazaka. Traditional performing arts were performed on the special stage at Bishamonten-temple, which is located at the center of Kagurazaka, A variety of events also took place throughout Kagurazaka, including dances and traditional parlor games by geishas.
“Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2016”—This project is supported by about 100 volunteers. They are local residents, staffs of local companies, Not-for-Profit Organization and foreign students.
“Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2016” – Eve The”night scene in Kagurazaka” is one of the charms of Kagurazaka, and has contributed much to the attractive aspects of the cultural scene. Many people enjoyed the night programs: evening alley strolling,traditional performing arts at fancy cafes,restaurants, and more.
In recent years, Kagurazaka has become quite a flourishing town, destination of many people of various age and gender. On the other hand, Kagurazaka is facing some serious problems that can hurt its special characters and values. In this blog we will provide various and useful information for you to know Kagurazaka better, including its culture, tradition, event, planning & design topics.