
“Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2016” Performances of Traditional Arts in Public Place

On November 12-13, under a cloudless sky, many people enjoyed a wide variety of Japanese traditional performing arts in Kagurazaka.
Traditional performing arts were performed on the special stage at Bishamonten-temple, which is located at the center of Kagurazaka, A variety of events also took place throughout Kagurazaka, including dances and traditional parlor games by geishas.


 “Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2016”—This project is supported by about 100 volunteers. They are local residents, staffs of local companies, Not-for-Profit Organization and foreign students.


“Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2016” – Eve
The”night scene in Kagurazaka” is one of the charms of Kagurazaka, and has contributed much to the attractive aspects of the cultural scene.

Many people enjoyed the night programs: evening alley strolling,traditional performing arts at fancy cafes,restaurants, and more.


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